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Veggie Quiches
Breakfrast Veggie Quiches
* 3 (7-8 inch) flour tortillas
* 2 oz. reduced-fat Swiss cheese, shredded
* 1 cup broccoli florets
* 1/2 small sweet red pepper, cut into thin strips (1/2 cup)
* 2 medium green onions, sliced
* 1 cup Egg Beaters egg substitute, fat-free
* 3/4 cup fat-free evaporated milk
* 1/4 tsp. dried thyme, crushed
* 1/8 tsp. salt
* 1/8 tsp. black pepper
* 4 slices sweet red peppers, thinly strips
1. Coat three 6- to 7-inch individual round baking dishes or pans* with nonstick cooking spray. Carefully press tortillas into dishes or pans. Sprinkle with cheese.
2. In a small covered saucepan cook the broccoli, the 1/2 cup sweet pepper strips, and the green onions in a small amount of boiling water about 3 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain well. Sprinkle cooked vegetables over cheese in baking dishes or pans.
3. In a medium-mixing bowl stir together egg product, evaporated milk, thyme, salt, and black pepper. Pour over vegetables in baking dishes or pans. Place on a baking sheet. Bake in a 375-degrees. Heat oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until puffed and a knife inserted near center of each comes out clean. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with additional strips of sweet pepper.
1:07 AM | | 0 Comments
Rendang Padang style
1. ½ pounds lean beef, cut into 4 × 4 cm
2. lt coconut milk from 2 coconuts
2 pieces of turmeric leaf, conclude
4 lime leaves
2 stalks lemon grass leaves, crushed
2 cm kandis acid / gelugur
2 cm galangal
3 cm turmeric, roasted
2 cm ginger, roasted
100 g large red chilli
100 g red pepper curls
12 red onions
6 cloves garlic
5 grains hazelnut
½ tbsp coriander
1 tsp cumin, toasted
½ teaspoon nutmeg
2 tsp salt
1. Pour coconut milk in the pan, put turmeric leaf, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, tamarind, red onion slices and all spices. Mix well.
2. Cook the seasoned coconut milk while stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Enter a piece of meat, cook over medium heat until the coconut milk and oily to dry. Lift.
3. Pour in serving dish rendang. Serve.
For 7 Portion
Tip: Do not use coconut milk typically packaged as crumb rendang will not be formed. Use coconut milk from fresh coconut juice
12:48 AM | | 0 Comments
Kepiting Saos Padang
Crabs with padang style sauce
* 4 ekor Kepiting, direbus sebentar angkat dan goreng
* 3 lembar daun jeruk dan serai
* 6 sdm Saus Sambal
* 4 sdm Saus Tiram
* 5 sdm Saus Tomat
* 350 ml Air
* 1/2 sdt Merica
* 1/4 sdt Garam
* 1 1/2 sdt Gula Pasir
Bumbu Halus
* 10 butir Bawang Merah
* 5 siung Bawang Putih
* 10 buah Cabai Merah, diblender sangat halus
* 2 cm Jahe dan 1/2 cm kunyit
Cara Membuat
1. Goreng kepiting sebentar dalam minyak panas. Sisihkan
2. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum. Masukkan semua saus dan kepiting. Aduk rata
3. Tuang air, merica, garam, dan gula. Biarkan bumbu meresap dan kuah mengental
4. Angkat. Sajikan
12:21 AM | | 0 Comments
Brined and Roast Turkey
Brined and Roast Turkey special
1 small onion, diced
1 stalk celery, diced
1 medium carrot, diced
3 garlic cloves, sliced
3 bay leaves
1 tbsp. black peppercorns
3 sprigs fresh rosemary
3 sprigs fresh thyme
3 sprigs fresh sage
6 sprigs fresh Italian parsley
1/2 cup iodized salt
3 gallons cold water
1 (16 lb.) whole turkey, brined (neck and giblets removed and discarded)
Salt and pepper, to season turkey
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2 celery ribs, roughly chopped
1 apple, sliced into wedges
1 orange, sliced into wedges
4 garlic cloves, peeled and whole
1 medium onion, diced
1 medium carrot, diced
1 stalk celery, diced
3 garlic cloves, whole
3 sprigs fresh sage
3 sprigs fresh rosemary
3 sprigs fresh thyme
6 sprigs fresh Italian parsley
3 bay leaves
1/4 lb. unsalted butter, sliced into pats
5 cups chicken stock or chicken broth, divided
BRINING TURKEY: ONE DAY BEFORE baking turkey, prepare brine. Combine all the brine ingredients. Place the turkey in a bucket or very large pot and pour brine over turkey to submerge. Refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours. Remove turkey from brine; dry off turkey with paper towels. Discard brine.
Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Brine turkey as instructed above. Salt and pepper the brined turkey and cavity. Fill the cavity with carrots, celery, apple, orange, and garlic; bind the legs with kitchen twine.
In a large roasting or braising pan (or disposable aluminum pan), spread onion, carrot, celery, garlic, sage, rosemary, thyme, parsley and bay leaves. Place the turkey on top of the bed of vegetables and herbs.
Put butter on turkey, or between skin and breast meat.
Place the turkey in the oven and roast 45 minutes. Pour half the chicken stock over the turkey; roast 45 minutes. Pour remaining stock over the turkey and roast 45 more minutes; it will start turning golden brown.
Baste with pan juices, cover loosely with foil and roast an additional 45 minutes. When the turkey has reached and internal temperature of 165 to 175 degrees, remove from oven, keep covered, and let rest at least 10 minutes before carving. Transfer to platter.
TO MAKE SIMPLE GRAVY: From the bottom of the roasting pan, discard herbs and measure out 1 cup of vegetables and 3 cups of pan juices; puree in blender. To thicken, add more vegetables; to thin add more pan juice. pour through a mesh strainer to make a smooth gravy. Makes 4 cups. TIP: For silken gravy, forget the flour. Avoid using flour, because that's usually what causes lumps. Instead, puree the vegetables you roast along with your turkey; they become your thickening agent. That, along with your pan juices, becomes your gravy. You can strain it through a mesh strainer, or use cream and reduce it.
7:14 AM | | 0 Comments
Apple Jelly Turkey Roast
Apple Jelly Turkey Roast
pkg. boneless turkey breast roast
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup of apple jelly
1/2 cup of barbecue sauce
Rub turkey breast and roast all over with salt and chili powder. Sprinkle minced garlic over roast; place roast in large skillet. Combine jelly and barbecue sauce. Pour over roast. Simmer covered for 30 minutes, turning over after 15 minutes. Remove from skillet and let sit 10 minutes. Simmer sauce over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Carve roast and serve with sauce.
7:03 AM | | 0 Comments
Stir-Fry Combo
Turkey... Shrimp... Chicken... So many staples, so little time. With this dish, you can combine them all. There's no reason to play favorites -- have everything you want in one great dish.
2 gloves garlic peeled and minced
1 large onion diced
1/2 stock of celery chopped fine
1 small green pepper diced
1 small red pepper diced
1 lb. broccoli crowns
1 lb. sliced mushrooms
1 lb. bean sprouts
2 lb. ground turkey
2 lb. peeled shrimp
1 tsp. pepper
1 tbsp. soy sauce, or add to taste
In large skillet put in olive oil, heat until hot. Add onion, celery, garlic, peppers, shrimp, and broccoli, cook for 10 minutes then add ground turkey. Add soy sauce, and pepper, mix ingredients cook 10 minutes. Add bean sprouts and cook until bean sprouts are soft and tender, around 5-10 minutes.
9:39 AM | | 0 Comments
Chicken Stir-Fry
12 oz. skinless, boneless chicken breast
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, finely minced
1 cup broccoli flowerettes
1 cup baby carrots
4 green onions, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. finely minced fresh ginger
1 tsp. cornstarch dissolved in 2 tbsp.water
1/4 tsp. sesame oil
1/4 cup dry-roasted peanuts
1 cup zukini
Trim any fat from chicken and thinly slice diagonally into 1-inch strips. In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil and stir-fry chicken 3 or 4 minutes or until cooked through and lightly browned. Remove; set aside and keep warm. Add garlic and stir-fry for 15 seconds; add broccoli,zukini and carrots stir-fry 2 minutes. Add mushrooms, green onions, soy sauce and ginger; stir-fry 2 minutes. Add dissolved cornstarch, sesame oil, peanuts and the chicken. Cook until heated through and sauce has thickened.
9:33 AM | | 0 Comments
Asian Stir-Fry Noodles
* 1 pkg. (8 oz.) Chinese noodles
* 1 tbsp. peanut oil
* 1 tbsp. sesame oil
* 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
* 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
* 2 tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce
* 1 cup small broccoli florets
* 1 cup fresh bean sprouts
* 8 cherry tomatoes, halved
* 1 cup chopped fresh spinach
* 2 scallions, chopped
* Crushed red chili flakes
1. Fill a large pot 3/4 full with water and bring to boil. Add the noodles and cook until al dente for 10 minutes, or according to the pkg. directions. Drain the noodles thoroughly. Set aside.
2. In a large stockpot or frying pan, heat the oils over medium heat. Add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Stir in the soy sauce and broccoli and continue to cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add remaining vegetables and cooked noodles and toss until warmed through.
3. Divide the noodles among warmed individual plates and top with crushed red chili flakes. Serve immediately.
9:26 AM | | 0 Comments
Chocolate & Banana Crepes
Crêpe Batter:
1/2 cup whole or 2% milk
11/2 tbsp. melted butter
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. hazelnut liqueur
1 tbsp. cocoa
2 tbsp. confectioners' sugar
1/3 cup white flour
2 ripe bananas, sliced
Chocolate Sauce:
1/2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. whole or 2% milk
2 tsp. hazelnut liqueur
1 tbsp. cocoa
2 tbsp. confectioners' sugar
In a medium bowl, stir together 1/2 cup milk, 1 1/2 tbsp. melted butter, egg yolk, vanilla, and 2 tbsp. hazelnut liqueur. Whisk 1 tbsp. cocoa into liquid until completely incorporated. Next, whisk in 2 tbsp. confectioners' sugar until completely incorporated. Then gradually whisk in flour until completely incorporated. Set aside. Melt 1/2 tbsp. butter in a saucepan over low heat. Stir 1 tbsp. milk and 2 tsp. hazelnut liqueur into melted butter. Stir in 1 tbsp. cocoa and 2 tbsp. confectioners' sugar. Set over very low heat to keep warm. Spray a non-stick frying pan or crêpe pan with cooking spray, and heat over medium heat. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto the pan, and swirl to form a very thin disk; cook for about 2 minutes. Flip, and cook about 1 minute more and then place crêpe on a plate. Add 1/4 sliced bananas to crêpe, and spoon 1/4 of the chocolate sauce over the bananas. Roll or fold crêpe, and sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Serve crepes warm.
9:13 AM | | 0 Comments
Burgundy Steak
This scrumptious stir-fry brings new meaning to being wined and dined. Chock full of flavor, enjoy this mouth-watering meal over egg noodles or rice.
2 1/2 lb. of porterhouse steak, 1 ½ inches thick
6 tbsp. Roquefort
1 tbsp. of dry sherry
1/4 cup Burgundy wine
Kitchen Bouquet and a pastry brush
Fresh ground black pepper
Blend cheese and sherry to a smooth paste. Make small incisions 2 1/2 inches apart on both sides of the steak, cutting only halfway through. Pack the cheese paste into the slits; use it all, making more slits if needed. Paint one side of the steak with kitchen Bouquet and broil 3 inches below heat for 6 minutes. Sprinkle cooked side of the steak with pepper, turn and paint the other side lightly with Kitchen Bouquet. Broil again for 5-7 minutes. Remove to a warmed platter and sprinkle lightly with more pepper. To the broiler pan juices, add Claret or Burgundy. Stir 1-3 minutes over medium heat to warm through, and pour over the steak.
9:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Cheese Ravioli in Cream
Cheese Ravioli in Cream
1 (25 oz.) pkg. frozen cheese ravioli 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 (3.25 oz.) pkg. sliced pepperoni, diced 1 small onion, cut into wedges 1 tbsp. butter 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. dried basil 1/2 tsp. dried oregano 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/2 cup sour cream
Cook ravioli according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, sauté mushrooms, pepperoni and onion in butter until onion is tender. Stir in tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, basil, oregano and cayenne; heat through. Remove from the heat; stir in sour cream. Drain ravioli; toss with cream sauce.
8:50 AM | | 0 Comments
Omelet Torte With Pastry Ala Chef raysonic
1 (17.5 oz.) pkg. frozen puff pastry sheets, thawed
1/4-cup butter
6 red potatoes, peeled and sliced 1/8 inch thick
1 onion, thinly sliced into rings
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
2 tbsp. butter, divided
6 eggs
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 pinch salt
1 pinch black pepper
2 tbsp. water
8 oz. cooked meat, thinly sliced
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
1 egg
1 tbsp. water
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. On lightly floured surface, roll each sheet of puff pastry into a 12-inch square. Lay 1 sheet puff pastry into a 10-inch pie plate; set aside.
In a 10-inch skillet, melt 1/4-cup butter until sizzling. Add potatoes, onion, 1/4 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Cover and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until potatoes are lightly browned and crisply tender, about 12 to 15 minutes. Set aside.
In a new skillet, melt 1 tbsp. butter until sizzling. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, stir together all omelet ingredients except remaining 1 tbsp. butter. Pour half of omelet mixture (3/4 cup) into heated skillet. Cook over medium heat. As omelet mixture sets, lift slightly with spatula to allow uncooked portion to flow underneath. Continue cooking until set, about 2 to 3 minutes. Slide omelet onto cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining butter and omelet mixture.
Layer ingredients into pie plate on top of puff pastry in the following order: one of the omelets, 4 oz. meat, half of fried the potatoes, 1 cup shredded cheese, remaining potatoes, meat, cheese and 2nd omelet. Top with remaining sheet of puff pastry. Press together edges of both sheets of puff pastry to form a rim; trim off excess. Crimp or flute edges. In small bowl, stir together 1 egg and 1 tbsp. water; brush over puff pastry.
Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand 5 minutes; cut into wedges.
12:06 PM | | 0 Comments
Chocolate Cupcakes ala Chef raysonic
1/4 cup butter, cubed
4 (1 oz.) unsweetened chocolate squares
2 eggs
2 ½ cups sugar
1 cup water
3/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 ½ tsp. Baking soda
1/2 cup butter, cubed
4 (1 oz.) unsweetened chocolate squares
4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Chocolate curls for garnish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 24 muffin cups with paper liners and set aside. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine chocolate and butter. Heat for 1 minute and stir. Heat for an additional 30 seconds and stir; repeat heating for 30 seconds and stirring until chocolate mixture is nearly smooth. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar, water, sour cream, and vanilla. Combine flour and baking soda in a small bowl and add to egg mixture. Add chocolate mixture and beat on high for 2-3 minutes. Fill paper liners 2/3 full of batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until toothpick tests clean. Allow cooling in pans for 10 minutes; remove cupcakes to wire racks and cool completely. To make frosting, combine chocolate and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat for 1 minute and stir. Heat for an additional 30 seconds and stir; repeat heating for 30 seconds and stirring until chocolate mixture is nearly smooth. Cool for 10 minutes. Using a hand mixer beat powdered sugar, sour cream, and vanilla into chocolate mixture on low until smooth. Frost the cooled cupcakes. Store cupcakes in the refrigerator. Garnish with chocolate curls before serving, if desired.
11:57 AM | | 0 Comments
Chicken Piccata Ala Chef raysonic
4 (6 to 7 ounces each) chicken breast halves, boneless and skinless*
½ cup all-purpose flour
Salt and coarsely ground black pepper to taste
2 Tbsp. butter
1 ½ tsp. vegetable oil or olive oil
¼ cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
¼ cup rice wine
4 Tbsp. capers, drained and rinsed
Place each between two pieces of plastic wrap with the smooth side down. Gently pound each chicken breast with a meat mallet to 1/4-inch thick. In a shallow pie plate, combine flour, salt, and pepper. Roll chicken in flour mixture to coat all sides. In a large nonstick frying pan over medium heat, heat butter and vegetable oil. Add chicken and cook 3 to 5 minutes per side or until fully cooked and tender. Pour lemon juice and white wine over chicken. Add capers and simmer another 2 to 3 minutes longer. Remove from heat and transfer chicken onto a serving platter. Reduce liquid left in frying pan by boiling an additional
11:52 AM | | 0 Comments
Asian Flank Steak ala Chef Raysonic
1-1/2 lb. flank steak
1/3 cup lime juice, freshly squeezed
1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped
2 Tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce
2 Tbsp. rice vinegar
3 Tbsp. fresh ginger, peeled, minced
1 Tbsp. jalapeno, seeded, minced
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
4 cloves garlic, crushed
5 cloves red chilli
Trim fat from steak. Combine steak and remaining ingredients in a large zip-top bag. Seal bag and marinate in refrigerator for 8-12 hours. Spray grill or broiler with nonstick coating. Remove steak from bag and discard marinade. Place steak on grill rack or broiler pan. Cook for 8 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Let steak sit 5 minutes or longer, then cut diagonally across grain into thin slices.
11:31 AM | | 0 Comments
5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, divided
1/2 red onion, sliced
8 oz. red and green bell peppers, cut into strips
1 1/2 cups filet mignon tips
1 tbsp. chopped garlic
1,5 cup chopped tomatoes
Salt and pepper, to taste
2,5 portions cooked spaghetti
In skillet, over medium heat, add 3 tbsp. olive oil, onions and peppers. Saut until tender. In separate skillet, over medium heat, brown beef tips in the other 2 tbsp. olive oil with chopped garlic, until beef is desired temperature. Add tomatoes; simmer 5 minutes. Add peppers and onions. Season to taste and serve over pasta.
10:36 PM | | 0 Comments
Apple n Cinnamon Pancakes
Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes ala rays
Nothing beats the collaboration of apples and cinnamon. The aroma alone is enough to get your tastebuds working overtime. Sit back and enjoy a palate-pleasing plate of gourmet pancakes.
1 1/2 cups apple juice
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup quick oats
2 tbsp. wheat germ
1 1/2 tbsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. grated orange peel
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. powdered sugar
1 banana, sliced
Beat together apple juice and eggs in a medium bowl. Add the flour, oats, wheat germ, baking powder, orange peel and cinnamon. Stir until well mixed.
Lightly grease a nonstick skillet. Make as you would pancakes pouring approximately 2 tbsp. batter mixture onto hot skillet for each pancake. Flip (only once) when bubbles begin to form around edges.
Serve with powdered sugar or honey and banana slices or strawbbery.
receipe by chefraysonic
8:35 PM | | 0 Comments
pizza rumahan ala raysonic
Pizza ala raysonic
▪700 gr tepung terigu rendah protein (segitiga biru)
▪300 gr air hangat
▪3 sdk mkn minyak olive / sayur
▪1,5 bks fermipan (15gr)
▪garam-gula secukupnya..
-saus :
■boleh saus tomat (dari pasta tomat yang dicairkan dan diberi oregano etc)
■boleh saus keju (lihat cara membuat dibawah)
■sosis,daging cincang, daging asap ayam
■jamur,bowang bombay,paprika
■keju mozarella,parmesan
-dough/kulit pizza
semua dicampur jadi satu di food processor, diuleni juga boleh. nguleninya gak usah pakai nafsu yang penting kalis. lalu dibulatkan dan ditaruh dan ditutup lap lembab +/- 30 mnt. setelah mengembang baru dapat diolah menjadi dasar pizza.
Sangatlah mudahkan??
-membuat pizza
■dough digiling sampai agak tipis
■oleskan minyak olive atau sayur pada dasar cetakan
■letakkan dough yang sudah digiling dicetakan
■oleskan atas dough tadi dengan olive oil/minyak sayur
■oleskan saus
■sebarkan deh itu si toping2 (bebas berkreasi)
■terakhir taburkan keju mozarella and parmesan..
■masukkan ke oven 200derjat selama +/- 15-20 mnt.
*saus keju:
▪butter 1 sdk makan dipanaskan dipenggorengan
▪masukkan terigu 1sdk makan juga lalu diaduk sampai menyatu
▪masukkan susu 1/2 gelas aduk sampai mengental
▪lalu masukkan keju..
Enak maknyussssssss…….
Nb: toping bisa ditambahkan apa saja sesuai selera……tetangga...
receipe by chefraysonic
8:23 PM | | 0 Comments
Beef Balls
Beefballs ala rays
Beefballs themselves are quite tasty, but when you top them with some onions you can't go wrong. This is anything but your average meatball sandwich.
• 1 lb. ground chuck
• 1 (8 oz.) can of Parmesan cheese
• Garlic powder
• Salt and pepper
• Breadcrumbs
• 1 large can of tomato paste
• Sub rolls
• Parmesan cheese
1. Mix ground beef, cheese, bread crumbs, adding salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. Roll into balls.
2. Meanwhile heat tomato paste in pot with 2 cans of water. Mix well adding garlic, pepper and salt to taste. When hot, add meatballs to pot of sauce, simmer about 30 minutes.
3. Serve in hot sub rolls, sprinkling extra Parmesan cheese on top of sub.
receipe by chefraysonic
8:13 PM | | 0 Comments
Donut ala J.c.o
Bahan A:
1, 430 g tepung terigu cakra
2, 17 g fernipan
3, sedikit garam
4, 250 ml air hangat
Bahan B:
1, 100 gr tepung terigu cakra
2, 35 gr susu bubuk
3, 70 gr gula pasir
4, 70 gr shortening / mentega putih
5, 1 butir telur
6, ½ sdt baking powder
7, ½ sdt tbm paste
8, sedikit garam
THE FIRST COOKING WITH CHEF RAYSONIC ***** Undanglah semua teman facebook anda untuk bergabung dengan group ini, untuk berbagi bersama mencoba resep ala raysonic dan sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih by: lal ali nurmansyah as user raysonic outshine creator.
Cara Buat :
Campurkan semua bahan A, uleni sampai kalis/tercampur rata dan diamkan selama 75menit ditutup dengan plastic wrap didalam baskom plastic.
Campurkan semua bahan B, uleni sampai kalis juga, lalu campurkan dengan bahan A uleni sampai tercampur rata, lalu gilas dengan roll kayu atau roll stenless dengan ketebalan 1cm - 11/2 cm, supaya tercampur rata, lalu bukin bulat-bulat dan gepengkan dicetak bolongin tengahnya dan diamkan lagie selama 15 menit.lalu goreng dengan api kecil
NB; hati-hati terhadap bahan karena lebih lembut dari pada bahan donat lain sebaiknya sewaktu akan menggoreng diangkat dgn spatula besi /kape tipis untuk masak, supaya bentuk tidak berubah sewaktu akan digoreng
Selamat mencoba dengan baik dan benar resep pilihan terbaik ini.
receipe by L.A.Nurmansyah aka chefraysonic
8:05 PM | | 0 Comments
300cc air
500gr sagu
250gr terigu
20gr udang ebi halus
100gr ikan tenggiri yg telah dihaluskan
1 batang daun bawang cincang halus dan sedikit garam
CARA BUAT ; Didihkan air lalu seduh tepung sagu dan diaduk seperti lem, lalu masukan tepung terigu,ebi,daun bawang ,ikan tenggiri garam dan lainnya , uleni sampai kalis dan bentuk sesuai selera pasukan….., rebus diair mendidih yang diberi minyak sayur selama 5menit angkat dan dinginkan selama 30menit dan siap digoreng.
500gr gula aren
10bh cabe kriting + 5bh cabe rawit
30cc air asam kental
3sdm cuka
7bh bawang putih
1sdt garam
30gr ebi yang telah dihaluskan
800cc air
CARA BUAT : haluskan semua bahan, lalu masak dengan air mendidih setelah matang saring dan buang ampasnya kemudian campurkan ebi dan aduk-aduk
Empek-empek tanpa bahan pemutih makanan siap diserbu…..,
NB; adonan empek-empek ini bisa dijadikan empek-empek bakar ,tetapi bahan 1 jgn di rebus ,setelah dibentuk langsung dibakar.
Dan jangan lupa tambahkan mie,bihun dan timun sesuai selera Wong Kito Galo....
Receipe by the first cooking with chef raysonic
7:19 PM | | 0 Comments
Udang Masak Lemak Cili Api / Udang Masak Lemak Cabe Rawit
Udang Masak Lemak Cili Api / Udang Masak Lemak Cabe Rawet
Bahan-bahan ( 4 orang makan )
• Udang [1/2 kg-bersihkan]
• 1 biji santan/1 paket santan serbuk
• 1 tbsp cili api/cabe rawet [ tumbuk/blender ]
• 2 batang serai-titik
• 1 helai daun kunyit-hiris nipis
• 2 biji tomato-potong 4
• 1 batang bunga kantan-potong dua
• 1/2 batang lobak merah-potong ikut suka
• Brokoli-kuantiti ikut suka
• Air&Garam secukupnya
• 1 tsp Serbuk kunyit
• 2 ulas bawang putih [ditumbuk]
1. Masukkan cili api,serbuk kunyit,serbuk santan/santan&garam.Bancuh kan dgn air secukupnya.Air jgn terlalu banyak kalau tak kuah jadi cair.
2. Buka api perlahan dan tunggu jgn sampai santan meruap..kacau selalu.Masukkan bwng putih,serai,bunga kantan&daun kunyit.Biar seketika.
3. Masukkan lobak merah&brokoli.Masukkan udang & juga tomato.Tggu sehingga udang masak seketika bolehlah ditutup api.
by farah hanim and testfoods by Chef raysonic
10:21 AM | | 0 Comments
Madam Curry Laksa
Nyonya Curry Laksa
• rice vermicelli
• 500 ml coconut milk
• 300g Medium prawns
• 2 fish cakes, sliced
• 100g bean sprout, slightly blanched just before serving
• 10 pieces Tau Pok ( tahu kering )
• 100g Cockles (optional)
• 10 sprig Laksa Leaves @ Vietnamese mint @ Daun Kesom
• 50g Dried prawns, grind
• 150ml oil
• 750ml water
• salt and Rock sugar to taste
Grind into paste:
• 1 whole garlic
• 10 shallots
• 1/2 tablespoon turmeric @ Kunyit
• 1 tablespoon galangal @ Lengkuas
• 4 Candlenuts @ Buah Keras
• 1 stalk lemon Grass @ Serai
• 2 teaspoon shrimp paste @ Belachan
• 12 Dried Chilies, soaked to soften
How to make it
• Blanch prawns in 750ml of water till 90% cooked.
• Remove shells and return them to the pot of stock.
• Set prawns aside.
• Add in Laksa Leaves and bring to boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
• Heat oil in wok.
• Fry the paste for about 15 to 20 minutes.
• Add in dried shrimp and continue frying the paste for another 5 minutes.
• Pour the content to the pot of stock.
• Bring to boil.
• Gradually add in coconut milk.
• Simmer till you see red oil surfacing.
• Add salt and rock sugar to taste.
• Add in the tau pok to cook for 2 minutes just before serving. This helps tau pok absorb Laksa gravy.
• Put rice vermicelli in a bowl.
• Top with tau pok, fish cakes, bean sprout and cockles.
• Pour hot gravy over and serve immediately.
• Note:
• If you prefer your Laska to be spicy, add chilli paste to your bowl of Laksa.
• Chop some Laksa Leaves for garnishing if you like.
• For convenience, I used packed coconut. Fresh coconut milk extract will taste and smell better
receipe by farah hanim and testfoods with chefraysonic
10:20 AM | | 0 Comments
15-19 oz can chickpeas/garbanzo beans, drained (you could also soak your own)
1/2 medium white onion, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoon parsley, chopped
2-3 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 teaspoon cumin
3/4 teaspoon baking powder ( 1/2tsp + 1/4tsp or 3x 1/4 tsp)
salt & pepper
2-3 tablespoons olive oil (you could try another type if you wish)
Start by preheating the oven to 350 and drizzling the oil evenly in a shallow baking pan (we used a small glass baking pan/casserole dish).
Next, mash the chickpeas/garbanzo beans. We used a spoon, potato masher, and our blender, but you could use a food processor. Our way requires more work and depending on your blender it might mean doing it in a couple of batches to make sure the chunks of chickpeas/garbanzo beans are gone.
Add onions and garlic and blend some more.
Mix in the rest of the ingredients and you should get a thick paste-like consistency. Spoon out the mixture and roll (using your hands) into walnut size balls and place in preheated baking dish. Flatten the falafel a little. Bake for 15-20 minutes; flip the falafel halfway through baking.
receipe by farah hanim and testfoods with chef raysonic
10:17 AM | | 0 Comments
Briyani Rice
Nasi Briyani
Basmati Rice - 2 cups
Chicken - 1 pound
Curd - 1/2 cup
Onions - 2 medium sized
Green chillies - 2
Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
Coriander powder - 1 teaspoon
Ginger Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon - 1 inch
Bay leaf - 1
Cloves - 3
Cardamom - 2
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tablespoon
Butter - 1 tablespoon
To grind into a paste :
Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Ginger Garlic paste - 1 tablespoon
Green chilies - 2
Mint Leaves - 1/2 cup
Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup
Wash the basmati rice and soak for about 20 minutes.
Wash the chicken with several runs of water and chop to the required size. Grind the above listed ingredients in a mixer. Marinate the chicken along with curd and the ground paste. Let it stand for at least half an hour. You can marinate for even up to 2 hours.
Meanwhile chop the onions and green chilies. In a pressure cooker or a wide vessel, heat the oil and butter and fry all the whole spices until they give out a nice aroma. Then add the onions and fry till they turn translucent. Then add the ginger garlic paste and fry for a minute till the raw smell goes.
Add the marinated chicken and cook on high heat for about 5 minutes. Then simmer for a while till all the water evaporates.
Add the soaked rice and mix with the masala. Add about 3 1/2 cups of water and salt to taste.
Cook till all the water gets absorbed. Top with cashews fried in ghee!
receipe by farah hanim n testfoods with chef raysonic
10:15 AM | | 0 Comments
Vietname crunchy salat
Vietnam Crunchy Salad
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast. Sliced into thin strips and marinated in:
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon fresh lime juice
Grated lime rind, 1 lime
1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro
1 tsp each salt and pepper
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Marinate the chicken for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. Sautee until fully cooked and set aside to cool.
Salad ingredients:
5 cups shredded cabbage
1 cup shredded carrots
1 large bunch cilantro chopped (2 cups chopped)
1 cup crushed peanuts
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup lime juice
1 tablespoon grated lime rind
2-3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1/2 tsp chili powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tsp each salt and pepper.
Toss together the salad ingredients, add the sautéed chicken. Whisk together all of the dressing ingredients and add to salad. Mix well, and serve!
It's an easy and healthy dish with some wonderful flavor!
receipe by : farah hanim n testfoods with chef raysonic
9:58 AM | | 0 Comments
Chikens red hot sauce
• Chicken - ½ kg
• Green chili - 5
• Onion - 1
• Tomato - 2
• Ginger - 1 piece
• Garlic - 6 pods
• Butter - 2 tbsp
• Red chilly powd - ½ tbsp
• Turmeric pwd - ¼ tsp
• Soya sauce - 2 tbsp
• Corn flour - 2 tbsp
• Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
• Yoghurt - ½ cup
• Garam masala pwd - 1 tbsp
• White pepper pwd - ½ tsp
• Black pepper pwd - ½ tsp
• Capsicum - ½
• Salt to taste
• Fresh coriander leaves Preparation:
1. Chop onion, tomato into small pieces.
2. Add ginger, garlic and make paste.
3. Slice green chili to lengthy pieces.
4. Mix red chilly pwd, turmeric pwd, 1 tbsp soya sauce, 1 tbsp corn flour, lemon juice, yoghurt, salt and 2 tbsp oil and make a paste of it.
5. Apply this paste over chicken and marinate for ½ an hour.
6. Now apply tomato onion paste to the chicken and again marinate for 30 mins.
7. Heat butter in a pan, add garam masal pwd, add green chilies, sauté well.
8. Add white pepper pwd, black pepper pwd and fry for 2 mins.
9. Add the marinated chicken and fry well.
10. Allow to get half cooked with occasional stirring.
11. Add corn flour and soya sauce in water and add to the chicken.
12. Allow to boil covered, for 10 mins on low flame.
13. Garnish with fried capsicum and sprinkle chopped green coriander and serve hot.
14. Delicious spicy chilly chicken gravy ready to delight your taste buds…!
receipe by farah hanim n testfoods with chef raysonic
9:55 AM | | 0 Comments
2 lbs. peeled potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
2 Tb. canola or veggie oil
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp rose marry
Cayenne and Pepper Preparation:
Preheat the oven to 450*. Cut large potatoes into 8 wedges and small potatoes into 6 wedges. Toss the potatoes in the canola oil, cumin, garlic powder, and salt. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Lightly sprinkle with cayenne pepper,rose marry and black pepper.
Roast until the potatoes are soft, but the skins are brown and crispy in spots—45-50 minutes. Turn the potatoes at least once.
The potato wedges are great with Chili Sauce
receipe by farah hanim n testfoods with chef raysonic
9:43 AM | | 0 Comments
oX TonguE
Lingua di Bue Brasata / Ox Tongue Braised in Wine
To serve 4 to 6
.A 3-lb fresh ox tongue .2 oz finely chopped celery
.3 tbs olive oil .6 tbs dry red wine
.2 oz butter .1 pint beef stock
.4 oz finely chopped onion .2 parsley sprigs
.3 oz finely chopped carrots .2 bay leaf and salt
Cover the tongue with cold water in large saucepan. Bring to the boil . partially cover the pan, reduce the heat and simmer for 2 to 3 hours, Remove the tongue from the water and place it on a chopping board. When it is just cool enough to handle, skin the tongue with small sharp knife, cutting away the fat, bones and gristle at its base.
Preheat the oven to mark 4:350 degree F. Heat the oil in large, heavy frying pan. Add the tongue and brown it on all sides. Now melt the butter in a heavy ovenproof pan. When the foam subsides, Add the onions, carrots and celery and cook them over a moderate heat, stirring frequently, for 10 minute, until they are lightly coloured. Pour in the wine and boil it briskly, to reduce it to 3 tbs. Place the tongue on top of the vegetables add the beef stock, parsley, bay leaf and salt to taste.If the stock does not rise 1/3 of the way up the side of the tongue, add more stock or water. Bring to simmering point, cover and place in the centre of the oven for about 1 hour, until the tongue is tenter and can be easily pierced with the tip of a knife. Turn the tongue once during braising. Tranfer thr tongue to a heated dish and carve it into thin slice. Strain the braising liquid and serve as a sauce.
1:39 AM | | 0 Comments
Grilled Steak
Bistecca ALLA Fiorentina/Grilled Steak
To serve 5
½ pint olive oil
3 tbs wine vinegar
2 tbs finely chopped parsley
½ tbs finely chopped garlic
½ tbs dried oregano
A . 3- to 4-lb T-Bone or sirloin steak, cut 1 inch thick
Chose a shallow baking dish large enough to hold the steak comfortably, and put the oil, vinegar,parsley,garlic and oregano into it. Lay the steak in the marinade and turn it about until the Meat is well coated. Let the steak marinate at room temperature for 20 to 30 minute or4 in the refrigerator for 30 minute turning it over from time to time.
Preheat the grill to its highest temperature and remove the steak from the baking dish. Discard the marinade. Grill the steak 3 inch from the heat for about 5 minuteon each side, until it is done to your taste. Transfer the steak to ta heated serving dish and season with salt before slicing.
Time life :\ the cooking of Italy.
10:02 AM | | 0 Comments
STRACCIATELLA /chicken broth with flakes of eggs and cheese.
TO SERVE 3 to 5
2 eggs
3 tbs freshly grated parmesan chese
2 tbs finely chopped fresh parsley
2pints chiken stock
A few gratings of nutmeg or a pinch
Beat the eggs in a small bowl until they are just blended,; then mix in the cheese , parsley,nutmeg and salt. Bring the chicken stock to a bubbling boil in a heavy, medium-sized saucepan over high heat. Pour in the eggs mixture, stirring,for 3-4 minute. The eggs and cheese mixture will form tiny flakes in the stock. Taste for seasoning,then ladle the soup into a tureen or individual soup bowls and serve it at once…
Time life: the cooking of italy
9:35 AM | | 0 Comments
Anitra Arosto / Roast Duck
Anitra Arosto / Roast Duck
To serve 4 – 6:
1 duck,fresh or frozen,with its giblets and ready for cooking
1 teaspoon Salt and fresly ground black pepper
6 fresh sage leave or bay leave.
1 ½ small onion peeled
2 tablespoons marsala
1 tablespoon wine
½ pint chicken stock or water
3 tablespoon lemon juice
::: Prehead the oven to mark 3:335F. if you use a deep-frozen duck, defroz the bird thoroughly.Sprinkle the duck inside and outside with sald and pepper.Insert 4 sage leave and the peeled onion into the body cavity. Crust the 2 remaining sage leave or bay leave and rub them over the outside of duck. Place the duck breast down in roasting tin surrounded by its giblets and cook in the centre of the oven for 30 minutes. Then turn the bird breast up and pour over marsala and wine.Continue cooking, basting with the pan juice from time to time, for another 1 ½ hours, increasing the oven heat to mark 5:375F. for the last 30 minute to crisp the skin. When the duck is done. Put it on to warmed seving dish. Skim off the fat from the roasting tin, add the stock or water and lemon juice to the pan juices and bring to the boil. Strain into a sauceboat. Serve the duck with roast potatoes, braused celery and peace or French Beans.
The cooking of Italy ala chef raysonic.
10:08 AM | | 0 Comments
Sweet potatoes and brownies make for strange bedfellows, except when they're combined in this decadent dessert. It's sure to get you inducted into the clean plate club.
1/2 cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup Splenda
5 egg whites
1/2 tbsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup baking cocoa
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup cooked sweet potato, without skin, mashed
1/4 cup chopped pecans
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9 x 12-inch baking pan. Cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg whites one at a time, beating after each addition. Scrape the bowl well. Add remaining ingredients except the pecans. Mix well. Spread batter in pan. Top with pecans and bake until the brownies are firm in the center, about 30 minutes.
10:38 AM | Labels: Brownies, Brownies Cake | 0 Comments
Waffles have been on the menus of breakfast houses everywhere since way back when. This traditional recipe is the typical take on a tried-and-true classic. Add the toppings of your choice.
2 cups waffle mix
2 eggs
1 cup water
1 tbsp. mayonnaise
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. honey
1. Place waffle mix in a large mixing bowl; in a separate bowl, combine eggs, water, oil and honey.
2. Stir the egg mixture into the waffle mix just until moistened.
3. Bake in a preheated waffle iron according to manufacturer's directions until golden brown.
10:35 AM | Labels: Breakfast with Waffles, Waffles | 0 Comments
Bluder Cake
Bahan Biang: 11 gram ragi instant
1 sdm gula pasir
40 ml air hangat
Bahan: 200 gr margarine
150 gr gula pasir
1/5 sdt vanilli
4 butir telur
150 gr tepung beras
200 gr tepung terigu
150 cc santan
1 sdt baking powder
Cara Buat : Blender 50 gr kismis,santan lalu sisihkan, BIANG larutkan ragi,gula pasir dan air hangat diamkan -+ 15 menit. Kocok margarine ,gula,vanilli sampai lembut. Masukan telur datu persatu sambil dikocok dan sebagian terigu sambil dikocok perlahan. Tambahkan setengah bagian terigu dan tepung beras lalu semua bahan diaduk sampai merata. Masukan kedalam cetakan setengah linkaran lalu diamkan (-+) 30-40 menit lalu oven dengan suhu 200 derajat sampai matang.........
10:33 AM | Labels: Bluder Cake, Bluder Cake with kismis | 0 Comments
Kue Apem
Bahan: 500 gr tepung beras
600 cc santan kelapa kental + 600 cc air
4 butir kuning telur
2 butir telur
6 gr fernipan
300 gr gula pasir
+ + sedikit garam
Cara Buat : uleni bahan hingga kalis kemudian masukan campuran santan kelapa kental sedikit demi sedikit hingga tercampur semua bahan.. lalu kocok hingga merata semua.. siapkan panggangan cetakan apem diatas tungku kompor anda dengan api kecil dan mulai coba….
NB: kalaau sudah matang kirimin yaaa… via pakett.. duh jadi laper nehhhh.. boleh kasih vanilli,/ pewarna makanan tapi lebih bagus nggak usah dikasih pewarna…. Biar sehat…..
10:13 AM | Labels: Kue Apem, Kue Tradisional | 0 Comments
Cheese Cake
This cheesecake is known as specials. With a different taste than the typical cheesecake, it stands apart from the other variations... in the most appetizing way imaginable.
1 large container ricotta cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cardamom
2-3 tbsp. rose water
1/4 cup milk
1 cup Half and Half
2 yellow egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat all ingredients except Half & Half into a smooth paste in a large bowl with hand-held mixer. Pour into baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees 35-40 minutes until center is firm. Cool 10 minutes, cut into squares, pour half and half over it until covered. Refrigerate overnight or at least a few hours. Use more Half and Half when serving to make it moister if you want.
10:11 AM | Labels: Cheese Cake, Cheese Cake different taste | 0 Comments
Gulai Curry Fish Head
Bahan :
• I kg kepala ikan kakap merah
• 3 buah asam kandis/ asam jawa
• 8 lembar daun jeruk
• 2 lembar daun salam
• 5 batang serai dimemarkan
• 250 ml santan kental
• 1000 ml santan encer
• 5 sdm minyak goreng
Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
• 9 buah cabe merah
• 5 siung bawang putih
• 7 buah bawang merah
• 4 cm kunyit
• 3 cm jahe
• 3 cm lengkuas
• 1 sdm ketumbar disangan
• 11/2 garam
• 1 sdm gula pasir
Cara Membuat :
• Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan dan bumbu yg tidak dihaluskan hingga harum benar dan bumbu matang.
• Masukkan kepala ikan, tumis kembali hingga kepala dan ikan berubah warna.
• Masukkan 500 ml santan encer, kecilkan api dan tutup.
• Masak hingga 15 menit, kemudian masukkan sisa santan encer dan masak hingga semua matang.
• Terakhir masukkan santan kental, aduk-aduk sesaat dan matikan api.
• Lebih nikmat setelah dingin dipanaskan sekali lagi dan dihidangkan hangat-hangat. Selamat mencoba!
Tip supaya ikan tidak amis :
• lumuri ikan dengan cuka dan gula pasir, aduk-aduk hingga rata, diamkan 20 menit dan cuci bersih. Ikan pun siap dimasak.
10:09 AM | Labels: Gulai Curry Fish Head, Gulai kepala ikan | 0 Comments
Cara membuat Kue Sus
By : raysonic / facebook group THE FIRST COOKING WITH CHEF RAYSONIC
Kue Sus atau dalam bahasa aslinya Choux Pastry , adalah kue yang bertekstur lembut dan kopong bagian dalamnya, sehingga dapat di isi dengan vla dengan aneka rasa. Bahkan Sus saat ini tidak melulu diisi Vla, akan tetapi juga di isi dengan berbagai macam filling seperti layaknya Sandwich. Jadi ada sus yang di isi ragout, bahkan di isi dengan lembaran smoked beef, keju lembaran, telur rebus yang diiris tipis, dan lain-lain. Ibaratnya, kulit sus diperlakukan sebagai roti tawar yang bebas di isi apa saja. Bentuknya pun beragam, bila dibuat memanjang dinamakan Eclair, bahkan ada yang digulung, dibuat seperti ular-ularan, dan lain-lain.
Bagaimana caranya mendapatkan Sus yang lembut, kuat dibagian luar tapi kopong didalam? Coba terapkan tips ini :
• Selalu gunakan tepung terigu protein tinggi
• Selalu gunakan bahan berkwalitas prima.
• Masak air dan mentega hingga mendidih benar, lalu masukkan tepung sekaligus, aduk rata dan cepat.
• Dinginkan, baru kemudian masukkan bahan telur. Ini dimaksudkan supaya telur tidak langsung matang terkena adonan panas. Lalu kocok.
• Cetak kue sus meggunakan spuit besar misalnya no. 1M, atau 1B, atau cetak menggunakan sendok atau menggunakan cetakan muffin
• Panggang dengan oven suhu tinggi 200 s/d 225’C, sampai coklat kekuningan dan tidak terlihat busa keluar. Kering. Ingat pada saat memanggang, oven tidak boleh dibuka.
• Lakukan semua step dengan seksama dan gembira, pasti kue sus akan mengembang cantik.
Lalu bagaimana membuat kue sus kering yang renyah kriuk-kriuk???........sama persis dengan membuat kue sus biasa, hanya bentuknya kecil-kecil. Ilmu saktinya ada di cara memanggangnya yaitu sbb :
• panggang sus kecil pada suhu 220’C, hingga mengembang, kering dan kuning. Angkat, dinginkan.
• Panggang kembali dengan suhu 150’C, hingga kering dan kecoklatan. Angkat, dinginkan dan segera kemas dalam toples rapat. Anda akan mendapatkan kue sus yang tahan kering dan renyah.
• Untuk sus kering, beri rasa sesuai selera pada saat membuat adonan dimasak. Misalnya dengan keju, dan bahan lain.
10:05 AM | Labels: Cara membuat Kue Sus, Kue Sus, Kue Tradisional | 0 Comments
Milk Pie
This buttermilk pie is an oldie but goodies.
5 eggs
2 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2/3 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Combine sugar and flour in a large bowl. Beat in the eggs and buttermilk until blended. Mix in the melted butter and vanilla. Pour filling into the pie crust.
3. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until filling is set.
10:02 AM | Labels: buttermilk pie, Milk Pie | 0 Comments
Boston Brownies
It's time to throw your own Boston tea party... and make these sinful brownies the center of attention. One bite and those store-bought brands will totally be put to shame.
1/2 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking powder
3 tbsp. butter, softened
3 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp. honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
2. In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
4. To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tbsp. butter, 3 tbsp. cocoa, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
9:48 AM | Labels: Boston Brownies, Boston tea party | 0 Comments
: Ginger layer lime puding
BAHAN 1 : 4 bh agar-agar coklat
25 lembar daun jeruk blender dengan air 20cc saring, ambil airnya
400 ml air
10 sdm susu kental
150 gr gula pasir
BAHAN 2 : 4 bh agar-agar plain bening
50 gr jahe blender dengan air 20cc saring ambil airnya
400 ml air
10 sdm susu kental
150 gr gula pasir
BAHAN FLANELLA ; 150 cc susu cair
2 sdt rum
70 gr gula pasir
1 butir telur
3 sdm tepung maizena/sagu cairkan dgn 25cc air
Masak bahan pertama campurkan semuanya panaskan dengan api kecil sambil diaduk-aduk setelah mendidih angkat dan diamkan dulu, lalu masak bahan kedua sama seperti bahan pertama ,siapkan cetakan masukan bahan pertama (-+ ) setebal 1cm dan diamkan 1menit lalu lapisi bahan kedua (-+)1cm juga ,lapisi terus sampai bahan habis …diamkan sampai pudding beku / masukan lemari es hingga dingin, Untuk FLANELLA: masak susu cair dan gula sampai mendidih dengan api kecil sambil diaduk lalu masukan tepung sagu/maizena yang dicairkan hingga mengental kemudian matikan api dan beri telur sambil dikocok merata lalu beri rum aduk-aduk lagie hingga merata
<<< pudding yang telah dingin dan kencang siap dipotong-potong lalu siram dengan FLA yang sudah dingin dan siap dihidangkan.
Ookelahhh kaloo begituuuu……..
6:36 AM | Labels: Ginger layer lime puding | 0 Comments

raysonic n marius schmidt

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