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Veggie Quiches
Breakfrast Veggie Quiches
* 3 (7-8 inch) flour tortillas
* 2 oz. reduced-fat Swiss cheese, shredded
* 1 cup broccoli florets
* 1/2 small sweet red pepper, cut into thin strips (1/2 cup)
* 2 medium green onions, sliced
* 1 cup Egg Beaters egg substitute, fat-free
* 3/4 cup fat-free evaporated milk
* 1/4 tsp. dried thyme, crushed
* 1/8 tsp. salt
* 1/8 tsp. black pepper
* 4 slices sweet red peppers, thinly strips
1. Coat three 6- to 7-inch individual round baking dishes or pans* with nonstick cooking spray. Carefully press tortillas into dishes or pans. Sprinkle with cheese.
2. In a small covered saucepan cook the broccoli, the 1/2 cup sweet pepper strips, and the green onions in a small amount of boiling water about 3 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain well. Sprinkle cooked vegetables over cheese in baking dishes or pans.
3. In a medium-mixing bowl stir together egg product, evaporated milk, thyme, salt, and black pepper. Pour over vegetables in baking dishes or pans. Place on a baking sheet. Bake in a 375-degrees. Heat oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until puffed and a knife inserted near center of each comes out clean. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with additional strips of sweet pepper.
1:07 AM | | 0 Comments
Rendang Padang style
1. ½ pounds lean beef, cut into 4 × 4 cm
2. lt coconut milk from 2 coconuts
2 pieces of turmeric leaf, conclude
4 lime leaves
2 stalks lemon grass leaves, crushed
2 cm kandis acid / gelugur
2 cm galangal
3 cm turmeric, roasted
2 cm ginger, roasted
100 g large red chilli
100 g red pepper curls
12 red onions
6 cloves garlic
5 grains hazelnut
½ tbsp coriander
1 tsp cumin, toasted
½ teaspoon nutmeg
2 tsp salt
1. Pour coconut milk in the pan, put turmeric leaf, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, tamarind, red onion slices and all spices. Mix well.
2. Cook the seasoned coconut milk while stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Enter a piece of meat, cook over medium heat until the coconut milk and oily to dry. Lift.
3. Pour in serving dish rendang. Serve.
For 7 Portion
Tip: Do not use coconut milk typically packaged as crumb rendang will not be formed. Use coconut milk from fresh coconut juice
12:48 AM | | 0 Comments
Kepiting Saos Padang
Crabs with padang style sauce
* 4 ekor Kepiting, direbus sebentar angkat dan goreng
* 3 lembar daun jeruk dan serai
* 6 sdm Saus Sambal
* 4 sdm Saus Tiram
* 5 sdm Saus Tomat
* 350 ml Air
* 1/2 sdt Merica
* 1/4 sdt Garam
* 1 1/2 sdt Gula Pasir
Bumbu Halus
* 10 butir Bawang Merah
* 5 siung Bawang Putih
* 10 buah Cabai Merah, diblender sangat halus
* 2 cm Jahe dan 1/2 cm kunyit
Cara Membuat
1. Goreng kepiting sebentar dalam minyak panas. Sisihkan
2. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum. Masukkan semua saus dan kepiting. Aduk rata
3. Tuang air, merica, garam, dan gula. Biarkan bumbu meresap dan kuah mengental
4. Angkat. Sajikan
12:21 AM | | 0 Comments

raysonic n marius schmidt

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